Monday, August 5, 2013

Go Ahead and Sang The Blues Kickstarter

“Go Ahead And Sang The Blues!” This says it all!

“Go Ahead And Sang The Blues” is going to be a solid blues album which will include some down home, old school style blues and feature some of Arkansas’ favorite blues musicians. Our rythmn section will include international blues bassist John Davies and drummer Johnny Arredondo, We have approached international blues harmonica player RJ Mischo and blues guitarist Earl Cates to lay down a few tracks as well. We will have other guests on this album too and are excited to be working with blues promoter Charles Ragsdell who will also be producing the album. “Go Ahead And Sang The Blues” will include at least 9 new original songs as well as our versions of an old Lightening Hopkins tune, an old Sister Rosetta Tharpe tune and a song written by Chicago blues singer Karen Carroll. How many songs we track will depend on our budget. We are excited about this CD because the original tunes are close to the heart and have been getting a tremendous response at the live shows. There will be no holding back on the emotion that these songs need in the vocals or musicianship.

Making an album is very expensive and can be very difficult for independent artists to accomplish without some sort of support. The most common support would be to borrow the funds, find an investor, or sign with a label to support the cost. We wanted to keep out the middle men and include our listeners so we thought, why not involve our listeners in helping toward making this album possible rather than going through an investor or label. This keeps it personable and independent. Independent artists are like small cooperation’s all over the globe and we must come up with creative ways to support our cooperation’s. The listeners are the ones who make it possible for us to do what we do and are the ones who support our small cooperation’s, so they should be put first and involved in this process. In return we thank them personally and strive to continue to put out good medicine.

We have already had $2000 donated to this project. We estimate that it will take around $7000 to complete it in the manner we hope to. If we are to raise more than our goal then that will allow us to order more bulk CD’s and invest in more dynamic promotions. We are able to record this album at such a low rate because of the kindness and generosity of those involved.

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